Therapy Clinic
Technology Center

Our certified Speech and Language Pathologists and AAC specialists are available to conduct and write up evaluations to determine medical necessity of a SGD or other AAC device, and provide expert speech therapy that integrates and encourages continual use of the SGD.
BGC’s high-tech equipment loaner library continues to expand to enable our therapists to trial multiple types of devices with clients that will meet their developmental level and communication preferences.
In addition to AAC technology, Beautiful Gate Center™ utilizes modern TouchIt displays within the Center to support therapy sessions and center-based learning objectives. Large screen, direct manipulation displays offer captivating and innovative software, including digital ink, that clients enjoy and are motivated by. This technology supports kinesthetic, auditory and visual teaching, as well as individual and group instruction. TouchIt boards allow all clients to interact using a range of techniques, from finger-touch for those who are just learning the motor movements associated with writing to styluses or pens for those who are more proficient and dexterous.
Helping a child, or adult, to develop their own unique voice and functional communication system is truly remarkable and a very important objective of the Beautiful Gate Center™.