Therapy Clinic
Evaluations + Assessments
Beautiful Gate Center™ offers a variety of individual therapy evaluations and written assessments in the areas of Speech Language Pathology including AAC (Alternative & Augmentative Communication), Occupational Therapy including Sensory Diet Activities, and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) Therapy.
Each therapy discipline at Beautiful Gate Center™ offers comprehensive evaluations to gather the information that is necessary before treatment commences and to establish goals and objectives that target specific outcomes.
Assessments may incorporate objectives in the following areas:
- Health & Daily Living skills
- Functional Communication Skills
- Social / Coping / Transition Skills
- Pre-Academic, Pre-Literacy & Specialized Learning Goals
- Group Participation Skills
- Community Readiness Skills
- Analytical Concepts / Critical Thinking Skills
- Sensory Diet Activities
- And more….
Evaluations and assessments obtained from the Beautiful Gate Center™ may be useful in other types of environments and situations which may include:
- Educational
- Medical
- Community Based Services & Programs (Including Camps)
- Case Management
- Legal
Steps for Requesting an Evaluation

Obtain a written referral from pediatrician, or primary medical doctor. *

Schedule initial telephone interview with Beautiful Gate Center Staff.

Schedule First Evaluation. **

Finalize Goals & Objectives for Treatment.

Schedule your first therapy session.
* Applicable to clients requesting services be paid with Insurance, SC Medicaid or any other third-party payor.
** Families may privately purchase Individual Evaluations as necessary without treatments.
If you have an alternate sponsor, or have limited financial resources and would like to inquire about a financial scholarship, to receive a one-time evaluation, please contact our office at #843.654.7464.