Center-Based Program
Program Description
Our Center-Based Developmental Learning Center & Day Treatment Program is for participants ages 3 to 21 years old. Participants in our program are placed into their birth age-appropriate group at the time of enrollment. In some instances, their cognitive-age of development will also be considered.
- Early Intervention Program (ages 3-5)
- Primary Program (ages 6-10)
- Teen Program (ages 11-16)
- Young Adult program (ages 17-21)

The Beautiful Gate Center offers a unique and tailored Center-Based Program serving children and youth diagnosed with Autism and Developmental Disabilities having moderate to severe conditions resulting in a cognitive/intellectual delay, non-verbal or limited functional communication, delays in life skill areas and challenging behaviors that inhibit learning and skill development. Our highly trained, board-certified therapists are employees of the Beautiful Gate Center and provide continuity of care in addition to a offering a wide range of evidence-based interventions to each participant in the areas of Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Behavior Therapy, and individualized Special Education services.
Participants enrolled in our year-round intensive Center-Based Program receive clinical and educational assessments to establish the baseline needed for the development of their Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP) which will function very similar to an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and may be easily interpreted for integration into a School District IEP platform if necessary.
Beautiful Gate Center’s goal is to see participants master crucial developmental skills that will allow them to transition to a less restrictive or traditional learning environment, but we stand ready to support and care for all participants no matter how long it takes to achieve their goals and objectives.
Program Hours

Is Beautiful Gate Center a School?
Beautiful Gate Center is designed as a Center-Based Program providing services in a therapeutic Day Treatment setting. We are NOT A SCHOOL, but nevertheless are focused on providing a wide range of services and therapies in a 1:1 or 2:1 environment to support both the educational and therapeutic needs of each participant. School Districts, Case Managers, Social Service Coordinators and Parents will need to continue to meet the legal and educational requirement for the child or young adult to be enrolled in our Center and Day Treatment Program. Please contact our Business Office for more information.
- Discover the ways our Participants are Learning Differently Together™
- 1:1 or 2:1 Ratio for Individualized & Personal Instruction
- Onsite Special Education Interventions & Curriculum
- Onsite ABA Assessments and Therapy
- Onsite BCBA Supervision
- Onsite Speech Language Pathology Assessments and Therapy
- Onsite Feeding Therapy
- Onsite Augmentative & Alternative Communication Strategies (Hi Tech Loaner Equip)
- Onsite Occupational Therapy and Assessments
- Onsite Sensory Diet Interventions
- Onsite Small Group Instruction
- Onsite Group Based Activities
- Onsite Outdoor Gardening & Workshop Activities
- Peer Modeling
- Individualized Learning Plans