About Us
Why is Beautiful Gate Center™ needed?

Critical and Unmet Need for Significantly-Impacted Students

Critical and Unmet Need for Parents and Families

Beautiful Gate Center™ also desires to have a significant and positive impact on the families of its participants.
In the world of raising and teaching a special needs child, many parents are forced to seek additional therapies and supports for their child outside of their normal educational setting because their child’s needs and developmental progress are not being met in their existing educational setting or extended school year (ESY) and, often, because the needs of the student are more intensive than can be effectively met in traditional special education classrooms.
Based upon a variety of medical, school, government and therapist recommendations, parents are forced to devote many hours a week to coordinating and accessing a variety of therapies across multiple environments with the hope that their children would have the ability to accomplish developmental milestones, work through behaviors, keep up with peers and be able participate in school activities and have a successful school year.
The difficult and practical reality of the “outside of school” approach is that coordinating and communicating with multiple therapists across multiple environments, while at the same time trying to be the in-home teacher and support speech and behavior interventions outside of school hours – not to mention hold a job and be a parent – becomes a full time job and is exhausting in every way for the parent and caregiver. Over time it is an unsustainable solution that leads to a low quality of life.
Beautiful Gate Center™ is poised to mitigate this difficult situation for the parents by coordinating and managing multiple therapy disciplines within one learning environment in a single, full–day, year-round learning center. The simplification and time savings for parents is an immediate and significant improvement in quality of life for the whole family!