About Us
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide the highest level of care in a unique learning environment where children and youth with Developmental Disabilities and Autism are able to attain the skills and supports they need to enhance their long-term quality of life, and that of their families, and to help prepare the way for them to play, learn, live and work as indispensable members of our Community.
Our Purpose

Beautiful Gate Center™ (BGC) seeks to serve individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders who are inadequately served in existing public and private special education programs due to the individuals’ need for a broader range of more intensive learning supports than those traditional environments offer.
BGC will differ from a traditional school environment in that learning objectives and multi-disciplinary therapy are woven together in an inter-dependent, coordinated and mutually supporting way in every Individualized Learning Plan and throughout all day treatment activities.
BGC will use best-practice, evidence-based approaches that provides an objective basis for selecting developmental objectives and measuring progress for each participant, enabling our professionals to focus in on the most valuable objective that each participant can be working on at any given time.
BGC is committed to the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication and other assistive technologies by its participants.